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Recommended anchorage - Pomare Bay, Bay of Islands

November 23rd, 2022

Having anchored in different areas of Pomare Bay several times now I am really impressed with the holding and shelter available. One night in particular we had squalls gusting to 60 knots (sleepless night). Each anchor location has been on mud and the anchor well set. 

Currently we are located at the red dot on the map below. We are 230 m from the shore (to the west of us) where the bush-clad terrain climbs to 60 m a.s.l.   We are in 5 m of water. There are moorings north and south of us along the coastline. 2Degrees mobile coverage is 3 of 4 bars and Wireless Nation Broadband has been fine for multiple Zoom calls today.

Location of Pomare Bay (Source Topo GPS).

We were sheltered from the westerly today, the 15-20 knt westerly was bending around the northern headland resulting in a relatively-light north westerly wind direction at anchor.

View north west out of Pomare Bay.

The Russell Boating Club tender dock is a 10-15 min tender ride away. From where Russell town is a 10-15 min walk. 

We will be here for two nights and I look forward to our next visit to Pomare Bay. 

Cheers from Skipper Adam.