IMG 0240

Koro Island to Makogai Island, Koro Sea, Fiji

June 19th, 2024

This was a 32 nm passage west from Koro Island to Makogai Island. We departed Koro Island at 06:30 as I was concerned about light winds. However the conditions turned out to make for perfect sailing the whole way.

Once a few miles off Koro Island the wind filled in about 15 knots from the south putting us on just forward of a beam reach. As we travelled west the wind wrapped around behind us and we were broad reaching on arrival at the top of Makogai. Very little swell. We both commented several times what perfect sailing conditions we were having.

Approaching the northern extent of Makogai Island.

We entered through the Makogai reef at the western pass. The depth sounder read 12 m at the shallowest point and at that time Vicki called from the bow she could see a sandy bed passing beneath us. The pass was straight forward.

We anchored off the turtle/clam nursery 0.3 nm from the shore. One could definately anchor closer to the shore if desired. 

At anchor Makogai Island.

The passage took us 5 hr 50 mins at an average speed of 5.6 knots.

Cheers from the Crew of Te Taiko