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Deep Water Cove, Maunganui Bay, BOI

December 28th, 2022

Log 314 nm

Arrived in the morning and anchored on sand in 11 m of water 300 m off the beach at the head of the bay. We could have anchored much closer were there not boats already anchored ahead of us. 27th December is a busy time for boating in northern New Zealand.

This is the closest anchorage to Cape Brett. A DOC track leads to the Cape Brett lighthouse, we walked part of the track. Very calm and hot today!

Secondary native forest regeneration above deep water cove

A pod of dolphins entered the anchorage this afternoon. They were hunting through the shallow kelp beds and playing around boats. We got some amazing footage and got to swim with them - what an incredible experience!!

2Degrees mobile coverage is one bar here. Enough for occasional internet access. Wireless Nation broadband not working here - and fair enough!

Nil-wind forecast overnight and easterly filling in tomorrow puts us in position for a downwind run to the islands of the Bay.

Cheers from Skipper Adam.