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Awesome Downwind Run!!

November 6th, 2022

Omakiwi to Matauwhai Bay, BOI

Log 266 nm

The morning started glassy calm in the anchorage. Our friends arrived late yesterday evening so after breakfast we rowed across and chatted. We had the boat ready to go and set off around 10 am. 

From Omakiwi, a 6 nm downwind run lay ahead to Tapeka Point. After a couple of jibes we lined up a long downwind run to Tapeka. Wind was SW 10-20 knts to start with. Autopilot steering on wind setting helped sail deep down wind avoiding further jibes. The last third of the board was windier, up to 30 knts, and was best done directly down wind to avoid jibes so we set wing-on-wing. Beautiful sailing on sheltered water!!

Wing-on-wing sailing.

Rounding Tapeka Point and taking up beam and close reached points of sail, wind was accelerating on to us from across low points in the Russell Peninsula providing lulls and gusts. Quickly realised hand steering and actively bearing away in gusts kept boat more stable and even. 

We had come around to Matauwhai Bay for a stay on the mooring. Unsure of the mooring location, we dropped anchor at the outside of the field and I zoomed around in the tender checking mooring ball numbers. Finally we found our spot, got Tāiko moving and before too long Vicki effortlessly hooked the float and I helped bring the line aboard. Then lashed it to our strong point and fitted a back up line using 14 mm dockline secured with rolling hitch forward of the fairlead and bowline over the strong point. There is heavy weather in the forecast.

Mooring lashing (white) with (black) back up line.

By now it was 3 pm and we were tempted by the treats of civilisation after a week out in the Bay. So we rode our tender to the Russell Boating Club dock and walked to Russell for refreshments.

This was a great little adventure. 

Cheers from Skipper Adam